
More detritus


You are a fluffy hippy and I am the horse that contained you.

In spring, sweep the dirt to the corners of the room, where a wounded animal will drag itself and rest, hiding from you until it can recover and lash out. This is a motivation for the broom.

Also in spring, your idea of a mountain experiences a snow melt, which streams populate, eroding into pathways for you to climb.

If you think of these things when you drag your butt across the carpet and leave a small mark, you are by my estimation self-aggrandizing.

Don't say the first thing that you are thinking. Do not say the second thing.

Do not lay a knapsack at my feet and instruct me how to arrange the contents. Your language is guttural and it scares me when you talk. Out, vagabond!



If you are thinking about fishermen, you are wrong.

Tiny smelt do not fly through the air toward aerials. They do not want to sing you songs. Smelt are fish that do not have emotions that you will be able to discern. They may be slightly tasty if you dip them in tartar sauce.

However, notice please that if you overcook them, there will be no saving them. They must be slightly soft in order to be pleasurable. Otherwise, your guests may be talking animatedly about your pending divorce behind your back.

No, no. Instead, you should be thinking of old men speaking into overlarge microphones about current events such as politics or, more plausibly, local happenings. Do not think about their ear hair because you will laugh and that will be impolite. Shush.

If somebody chastises you for being impolite, that will be your just desert. Consider the impact you are having on people, for a change.

Unspool your intestines if it please her so. We will take it into consideration.


We should be taking your wrong politics as current thinking.
Please, slightly animatedly dip your ear toward the impact you are having on people.
Change your people, change and consider. Overcook, change old men.
 No saving them (you will be able to discern)? They must be thinking of you.
Your desert. Consideration.


blast blast blast
sis boom bah


When dabbing peroxide onto a cotton swab, it is important to only tilt the bottle slightly (especially if it is a new bottle of peroxide) to avoid spillage. Do not get peroxide on mother's purple rug. It is a thing we use to nurture your cuts. Do not pour peroxide into your throat please.

It will ruin it.