
Fucking Troika


In my house there are a great number of animals that I keep in pens just large enough for them to grow and to be happy.
One day, all of my animals will be taken away by the secret police, and I will be left with an empty house. I knew all of this before I gave these animals a place in my home and I still did it.


I am going to tell eight twelve-year-old boys that they will break their arms and have to wear them in a sling. It will be like a badge of honor, something illustrious and manly in a pre-teen way.


"The man carries so much anger in him and he just keeps building it up and he get angrier--"
"And angrier till he just starts killing."
"Oh, Lord."
"Angry men taking lives of other men taking their lies and everyone's just dying--"
"Lord, have mercy."
"thinking they be bigger men for doing this shit. Stealing and selling crack. Ain't no good ever come of it."
"I know it. I know it."
"Just keep building it up, piling it on."
"Call that karma, they do."
"Mmhm. Yes, ma'am."
"Main thing they need to e doing is getting him off the streets."
"Yes, ma'am, it is."
"But they ain't be doing that. Just acting damn fools."
"Doing all that shit."
"Building up karma."
"Lord, they do. Every day."